Boots & Lila2 Comments

August: Favorite Human & Dog Products

Boots & Lila2 Comments
August: Favorite Human & Dog Products

Hey guys!
Welcome to our new series: Favorite Human and Dog Products of the Month! We will be sharing the product I'm currently obsessed with (which might be makeup, skincare, clothing, accessories, or more) and the product that I have been loving to use on Boots (which will be something dog related). We'll be linking the products and explaining why we love them, and you can trust that our opinions will always be genuine. 


Dog Product: Pet Plate Dog Food. This is a dog food subscription. The smallest amount you can order is A LOT. So, we jut ordered it once and canceled our subscription because one order can last a very long time.  Boots loves it and I love it because it is made with healthy ingredients. 

Human product: Eyelash curler. I've had this eyelash curler for a while, but didn't realize its ability until the past week or so. I think it's because I was doing it wrong, so I didn't see a difference. There are 2 things that you must know before you use one: #1 You will only see the difference if you can see your eyelashes on the bar while you're curling them because that means that they're actually getting curled. #2 A tip I learned is that if your eyelashes aren't staying afterwards, you can take your blow dryer and point it at your curler for a couple seconds, wait for it to cool, and then use it because it will work the same way as a hair curler. 


We hope you enjoyed our very first Favorite Human and Dog Products of the Month!

xoxo, Boots & Lila