

          Hi! We're Boots and Lila. Boots is a rescued corgi and jack russell mix dog and Lila is a teenage girl. We live in Los Angeles, Corgifornia, but manage to get around quite a bit. On our Instagram, we post pictures that have to do with dogs, fashion, food, lifestyle, travel, and more. On this website, you will see blog posts and learn more about us. Above are some catergories that we have already written blog posts about! Feel free to explore and enjoy xoxo





Q: Why BootsTheAlmostCorgi? 

A: When we got Boots, we thought that she would be a full corgi, or mostly one. But, when she started growing, she didn't look very much like a corgi anymore. She still has some of the characteristics of a corgi (color, ears, etc..), and when people ask us what breed she is, we usually answer with: "She's an almost corgi!" 


Q: Why is Boots always at the Beverly Hills Hotel?

A: This question is one we get a lot, and it always makes me laugh. We stayed there once and we visit a lot because we have family that stays there. When we go with Boots, I try to get a lot of pictures and I spread them out and post them on Instagram. Click here to read our blog post about the BHH.