Our Adoption Story

Today marks the 3 year anniversary of when we got Boots! Time has gone by so fast, but I can't imagine my life without Boots. 

We got Boots from a rescue called Wags and Walks. (Their website is linked so if you click on whenever it says "Wags and Walks", it will take you to their website.) Wags and Walks works with other organizations to rescue dogs. 

Boots was rescued on the streets with her litter and mom. If it weren't for Wags and Walks, Boots and her family might have been killed. Not only can you adopt from Wags and Walks, you can also donate, foster, and volunteer! 

When it had been 1 year since Boots's adoption, Wags and Walks hosted a reunion for her family. It was so cute to see Boots reunited with her siblings that she recognized after not seeing them for 1 year! 

Below, are some pictures from the reunion. The last image in this slideshow (below) is was what we saw when we decided to adopt her! She was so smushy and so young!